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مطلوب موظف Human Resources للعمل لدى منظمة TRD

مطلوب موظف Human Resources للعمل لدى منظمة Transforming Research To Development

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا

نطاق الراتب: بين 1200 و 1500 (دولار أمريكي)

آخر مهلة للتقديم: السبت, 17 ديسمبر 2022
المنطقة: جبل لبنان – MatnJdaidet El Matn – Baouchriyeh
توجيهات التقديم:

Interested applicants must send their CV to the following email address : with “Human Resources” as the subject

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

Responsibilities and tasks

Human Resources systems

  • Develop, Review and or update human resource and administrative policies and procedures (compliant with the International Society standards) and ensure they are effective, efficient, fair and transparent, and promote equal opportunities. Ensure policies are compliant with local Code and any other relevant international legal instruments
  • Develop, Review and or Update human resource policies and procedures for recruitment and management of national and international staff (terms & conditions of employment, grades, steps & positions, salary structure, benefits, disciplinary procedures, termination). Ensure compliance with local labor laws of the country of placement and coordination with national counterpartsuch as UN agencies. and local NGO
  • Conduct regular field travel to visit the staff in the field in order to review human resources and administrative procedures and assist/ support managers in their needs or ascertain human resource requirements
  • Ensure a complete orientation package is in place and that all staff are oriented on time

Recruitment and staffing

  • Assess staffing needs as required. Identify and recruit new and replacement staff including scheduling of contract extensions, new contracts, and necessary terminations
  • Prepare job descriptions, terms of reference and submission of personnel requisitions in coordination with the relevant department
    Prepare regular recruitment tracking reports
  • Ensure pertinent organigrams, contact lists, and information flow lines are constantly updated and widely available


  • Organize as necessary visa applications/ immigration clearance procedures for international staff
  • Coordinate travel of international staff ( itinerary, ticketing)
  • Establish and maintain digital personnel files
  • Ensure field safety forms are filled
  • Coordinate performance and talent management

Staff development and well being

  • Assess training and development needs of staff and provide appropriate induction and orientation, training, supervision and support as required. Ensure all staff, international and national, always have adequate access to HR/Administrative policies and procedures
  • Monitor and uphold staff conduct and discipline and organize regular performance evaluations of all staff. Ensure that exit interviews/ debriefs are prepared at the end of service
  • Ensure staff have time to relax,and have fun to manage their stress in a safe and comfortable environment
  • Ensure services in support of well being such as counseling are made available

Financial Management

Work closely with the Head of Admin to:

  • Ensure operational plans and budgets include a plan for human resources
  • Assist in the establishment of a payroll structure and payment procedures for national and international staff
  • Ensure all personnel have received briefing on situation and security in the country of work
  • Ensure all staff understand individual and collective responsibilities for safety and security

عن Mohamad Jamous

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