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وظائف شاغرة: مطلوب Content Developer – Graphic Designer للعمل مع جمعية عكارنا

وظائف شاغرة: مطلوب Content Developer – Graphic Designer للعمل مع جمعية عكارنا – Akkarouna association

نطاق الراتب: < 800 (USD)

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الجمعة, 3 فبراير 2023

المنطقة: الشمال
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم:

Applications are only accepeted through the link here: للتقديم الى الوظيفة إضغط هنا – Apply Now

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

The Content Management Officer is a dynamic, self-motivated individual with experience and skills in web/Social media content management, writing and editing for the web, graphic design, video production and site management.

The content management officer will be responsible developing the voice for all aspects of the platform online presence. In addition to writing, editing, producing and proofreading platform content, this person will also work closely with the technical team to maintain platform standards with regard to new development. The Content Management Officer will work closely with technical members of our organization, so strong communication skills are needed. The ideal candidate will also have experience managing online translation, graphic design, video production and outreach campaigns. Tasks require a strong attention to detail and ability to work under tight deadlines.

The Content Management Officer is a dynamic, self-motivated individual with experience and skills in web/Social media content management, writing and editing for the web, graphic design, video production and site management.

The content management officer will be responsible developing the voice for all aspects of the platform online presence. In addition to writing, editing, producing and proofreading platform content, this person will also work closely with the technical team to maintain platform standards with regard to new development. The Content Management Officer will work closely with technical members of our organization, so strong communication skills are needed. The ideal candidate will also have experience managing online translation, graphic design, video production and outreach campaigns. Tasks require a strong attention to detail and ability to work under tight deadlines.

This position incorporates the following primary responsibilities:

  • Create, develop and manage content for the platform web presence (requires working with content management software). Including and not limited to images, videos, pictures, articles and others.
  • Maintain a consistent look and feel throughout all web properties
  • Copyedit, translates and proofread all web content
  • Oversee community member content contributions
  • Keep current with emerging web technologies through relevant blogs, and events
  • Assure web-based information is archived for future needs and reference
  • Track and report on all site metrics
  • Work cooperatively with key team members, Service Providers and Stakeholders
  • Provide regular quality check of data on the platform
  • Implement ongoing quality reviews of data entered through the multi-channel input tools, to ensure usability and regular updating
  • Conduct follow up with public users of tools by phone, in order to address data gaps in data provided

Scope of decision making: 

The Content Management Officer will take independent action and make independent judgments within a clearly defined framework in order to facilitate implementation of the tasks and responsibilities listed above.  In general, these decisions will be routine and related to the execution of basic tasks.  The Content Management Officer will also contribute as required to decision making regarding the potential scope, need and targeting for future technology-related protection programming.  Contribution to this more strategic level of decision making will be based on the Content Management Officer’s insight into effective strategies for ensuring collection of relevant data and means of analyzing and packaging that data for use by related stakeholders.

عن Mohamad Jamous

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