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وظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب شخص مسؤول عن المراقبة والتقييم – Country M&E Officer للعمل لدى منظمة Jesuit Refugee Service

وظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب شخص مسؤول عن المراقبة والتقييم – Country M&E Officer للعمل لدى منظمة Jesuit Refugee Service

نطاق الراتب: بين 1500 و 2000 (دولار أمريكي)

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الجمعة, 24 فبراير 2023

المنطقة: بيروت
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم:

Please send your CV to carine.nasr@jrs.net. ONLY shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Please mention the position “Country M&E Officer” in your email subject.

Recruitment shall be subject to open competition without regard to race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, and beliefs, and to political affiliation, social status, mother tongue and ethnic. Talents acquisition shall be made taking into account the importance of recruiting and maintaining a geographically diverse and gender-balanced workforce.JRS do reserve the right to close the vacancy prior to the application closing date, once we receive high number of suitable applications

At the heart of our efforts is our engagement with marginalised and displaced communities, especially with vulnerable adults and children. These groups are particularly at risk of sexual exploitation and abuse, and other forms of gender-based violence. JRS’s commitment to the protection from sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment(PSEAH) of all JRS beneficiaries by JRS personnel. JRS has zero tolerance towards all forms of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and sexual Harassment and takes seriously all concerns and complaints about SEAH by JRS personnel.

اسم الشخص المسؤول:
Carine Nasr
Assistant Country Human Resources Officer
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

Main Responsibilities of the Position

  1. Implementation and supervision of M&E activities
    • In collaboration with the Regional M&E Officer and Project teams, prepare the M&E Plan for on-going projects and new projects, including timeframe of activities, data collection methodology, tools to be used and expected delivery;
    • Monitor the implementation of on-going and new projects and assure their adherence to the agreed processes and procedures: in collaboration with the Project team ensure the follow-up of projects indicators by sampling, collecting and analysing data, guaranteeing quality data and reviewing reports;
    • Develop monitoring and evaluation tools and procedures to ensure quality tracking of project output and outcome, including tools to assess impact of activities and beneficiary satisfaction (e.g. survey questionnaires, focus group discussions,  key informant interviews and analysis plans); Support all project teams in conducting monitoring and evaluation assessment and baselines;
    • Ensure that regular surveys are conducted to have an overview of the humanitarian context evolution and vulnerability of the populations affected;
    • Ensure and support implementation of Accountability systems (complaint desk…)
    • Visit regularly the projects and encourage learning based on best practices, lessons and feedback captured from beneficiaries to guide the design and implementation of JRS projects.
  2. Support programming work of JRS at the country level
    • Keep track of projects undertaken in the country;
    • Coordinate with the Country Director and the Regional Programmes Officers to plan for JRS projects within Lebanon, especially regarding the needs assessments. Suggest new initiatives to the Country Director based on these assessments;
    • Collaborate in programme/project proposals, aligned with JRS Standards; ensuring that relevant information from secondary data, assessments, monitoring, evaluations and lessons learned are integrated in the proposals. Ensure that community inputs are considered in the project design process;
    • Support Project Directors in project writing according to JRS standards and guidelines;
    • Finalize the mid-year and annual project reports prepared by the Projects for submission to the Country Director.
  3. Care for staff
    • In coordination with the Regional M&E Officer and Programmes Officer, train project staff for M&E and programming skills;
    • Conduct start-up orientation and training workshops for relevant staff.

Ensure prompt execution of other tasks which are within the ambit of the position which may be requested by the country director .

Qualifications & Competencies:

  • Bachelor degree in Statistics/ Economics , Civil Engineering or any other related field
  • At least 3 years of relevant working experience in the area of M&E or working in humanitarian field;
  • Knowledge of project cycle management and sphere standards;
  • Demonstrates deep understanding of projects details and donors’ requirements;
  • Experience in developing assessment tools (e.g. questionnaires, focus group discussions);
  • Experience and knowledge in developing and managing databases;
  • Demonstrated experience and capacity in conducting field-level data collection, data entry, and data analysis;
  • Strong knowledge of SPSS and MS office pack. Especially: Excel, Word. Access, PowerPoint, Visio, MS project are extra;
  • Excellent English, with good command of spoken Arabic and English
  • Ability to write clear and well-argued reports;
  • Critical thinking, strong analytical skills and objective judgments;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Ability to work effectively under pressure;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of Middle East conflicts and humanitarian context;
  • Commitment to high level of confidentiality with sensitive information.

عن Mohamad Jamous

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