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وظيفة: Water Sanitation and Hygiene Officer – مسؤول المياه والصرف الصحي والنظافة للعمل مع Save The Children

وظيفة: Water Sanitation and Hygiene Officer – مسؤول المياه والصرف الصحي والنظافة للعمل مع Save The Children

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الأربعاء, 8 مارس 2023
نطاق الراتب:
بين 1500 و 2000 (دولار أمريكي)
البلد/المدينة: Lebanon بيروت

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم:

Save the Children is a global humanitarian organization committed to diversity and inclusion, working towards empowering and protecting children worldwide and in the countries where it operates. Save the Children highly encourages and welcomes receiving applications from qualified candidates regardless of their diverse gender, orientation, disability, marital status, race, colour, ethnic origins, religion and beliefs. Save the Children has a global policy on anti-harassment as well as zero tolerance for discrimination, bullying, sexual exploitation and abuse. All applications will be looked at and treated with the strictest confidentiality and transparency regardless of the diversity of candidates

Kindly apply online using this link:

👈 للتقديم الى الوظيفة إضغط هنا – Click Here To Apply 👉

Please note that only applications received through the above link will be accepted and applications received by emails will not be considered.

Save the Children does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process


The Opportunity

The WASH Officer will be responsible for design, implementation, follow up and evaluation of WASH infrastructure construction and rehabilitation in communities targeted by Save the Children in addition to conducting technical assessments, technical monitoring and supervision, and providing technical advice to contractors, beneficiaries and communities.

In the event of a major humanitarian emergency, the role holder will be expected to work outside the normal role profile and be able to vary working hours accordingly.

In order to be successful you will bring/have:

  • University Degree in Sc/BA/BEng level in Mechanical Engineering, or a related subject, or equivalent field experience.
  • Professional experience of 2-4 years minimum, including in the field of WASH infrastructure, construction in humanitarian or development context.
  • Computer skills (especially Excel and design software like Autocad)
  • Experience in field work and community mobilization
  • Experience in conducting training and sensitization sessions for communities and beneficiaries.

We offer a competitive package in the context of the sector. This role is offered on the basis of national terms and conditions only.

A copy of the full role profile can be found at  Water Sanitation and Hygiene Officer – Beirut

The Organisation

We employ approximately 25,000 people across the globe and work on the ground in over 100 countries to help children affected by crises, or those that need better healthcare, education and child protection. We also campaign and advocate at the highest levels to realise the right of children and to ensure their voices are heard.

We are working towards three breakthroughs in how the world treats children by 2030:

No child dies from preventable causes before their 5th birthday

All children learn from a quality basic education and that,

Violence against children is no longer tolerated

We know that great people make a great organization, and that our employees play a crucial role in helping us achieve our ambitions for children.  We value our people and offer a meaningful and rewarding career, along with a collaborative and inclusive environment where ambition, creativity, and integrity are highly valued.

We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.

All employees are expected to carry out their duties in accordance with our global anti-harassment policy.

👈 للتقديم الى الوظيفة إضغط هنا – Click Here To Apply 👉

عن Jad Jamous

شاهد أيضاً

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