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وظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب Protection, Gender and Inclusion Coordinator للعمل مع IFRC

وظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب Protection, Gender and Inclusion Coordinator للعمل مع IFRC

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الأحد, 26 مارس 2023
نطاق الراتب:
بين 2000 و 2500 (دولار أمريكي)
البلد/المدينة: Lebanon

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البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 192-member National Societies. The overall aim of the IFRC is “to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.”  The IFRC works to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people before, during and after disasters, health emergencies and other crises.

The IFRC is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement), together with its member National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The work of the IFRC is guided by the following fundamental principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality.


The IFRC is led by its Secretary General, and has its Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Headquarters are organized into three main Divisions: (i) National Society Development and Operations Coordination; (ii) Global Relations, Humanitarian Diplomacy and Digitalization; and (iii) Management Policy, Strategy and Corporate Services.


The IFRC has five regional offices in Africa, Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, Europe, and the Americas.  The IFRC also has country cluster delegation and country delegations throughout the world. Together, the Geneva Headquarters and the field structure (regional, cluster and country) comprise the IFRC Secretariat.


The position is located in the MENA Regional Office in Beirut and is responsible for responsible for the overall coordination and technical advancement and support of PGI; institutionally, operationally, and strategically with a particular focus on enhancing PGI capacities and practice for MENA National Societies. This role will report directly to the Head of Membership Services and will engage with technical units and country offices and NSs directly, to support the 17 National Societies in the region. The Membership Services Unit also includes staff working on National Society Development (NSD), Youth and Volunteering and Safeguarding. The role will work very closely with the Safeguarding Senior Officer to ensure that efforts are aligned to  meet Safeguarding commitments and with colleagues engaged on Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) and the Migration file.


The role receives technical guidance and support from the global PGI lead at IFRC Geneva headquarters and works closely with the global PGI team through sharing regional trends, risks, capacities and developments as well as by aligning with global strategic direction and commitments on PGI.


Job Duties and Responsibilities

PGI development and capacity strengthening

Provide strategic advice and direction, and raise awareness and commitment on protection, gender and inclusion (PGI) issues among MENA National Societies  and IFRC MENA regional office and country offices

Drive the roll out of a systematic and integrated approach to PGI within the IFRC and across the 17 MENA NS by coordinating organisational and institutional capacity strengthening and development processes for NSs and IFRC on PGI, such as through: policy development, organisational capacity assessments for PGI, support in establishing systems and mechanisms to ensure mainstreaming of PGI in plans, processes, and procedures.

Work closely with National Societies and IFRC Secretariat technical units and their thematic areas (Health, WASH, Livelihoods, Disaster Risk Reduction and Migration) to help them identify gaps in their approach to PGI and support them to scale up and integrate the embedding of PGI into their work with affected people while ensuring their dignity, access, participation and safety within programmes and operations.

Ensure the inclusion of PGI in programs and operations at Regional and Country Office level, and ensure improved mainstreaming of PGI into all IFRC emergency response operations and other operations in MENA through rollout of tools, deployment, and capacity-strengthening of PGI surge personnel (in collaboration with programmes and operations team and different sectors)

Coordinate, supervise, and support PGI surge capacity to NSs when needed as technical manager for PGI surge personnel deployed to IFRC coordinated emergency response operation in the MENA region.

Provide support and guidance to IFRC’s staff to mainstream and plan specialized PGI actions into IFRC operations in accordance with the Minimum Standard Commitments of Protection, Gender and Inclusion in Emergency Programming, including DREFs and Appeals operations.

Coordinate with the Safeguarding Senior Officer to implement the regional safeguarding action plan, which includes the prevention and response of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) and child safeguarding

Ensure that mechanisms, tools and technical support is available and in place to tackle gender inequalities, exploitation and abuse, gender-based violence and other interpersonal violence in emergency operations and development programmes.

Coordinate and maintain regular meetings with the PGI Network of focal points for follow-up, development of tools, and exchange of experiences.

Work closely with the IFRC global PGI team to ensure there is consistency and coordination between PGI efforts at regional and global level. This includes ensuring the roll out of global PGI frameworks and standards at regional level and that global frameworks and standards benefit from learning and experience gathered locally.

Develop evidence-based learning demonstrating the impact of PGI tools and approaches on the quality and effectiveness of programming, on protection risk management, as well as vulnerability prevention in MENA.


Coordination, representation, relationships, and reporting

Work with Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) and MHPSS colleagues and the Inter Agency protection cluster to harmonise approaches to complaints hotlines and other mechanisms.

Actively participate in and represent the MENA region in the IFRC global PGI Community and coordination support groups

Work closely with Partner NSs to ensure a coordinated and collaborative approach to PGI, harmonizing approaches and resources in support of National Societies

Coordinate with the International Committee of the Red Cross on key themes such as minimum protection approach, sexual violence, Restoring Family Links (RFL), among others, to ensure a cohesive support to National Societies.

Advocate and share lessons learnt for PGI issues with key stakeholders internal and external to the RCRC movement to ensure appropriate awareness of PGI risks, needs, capacities and trends.

In co-ordination with the global PGI team, represent IFRC in external technical working groups, networks, and intergovernmental forums ensuring new and strengthened partnerships with external agencies and stakeholders in the region.

Produce and disseminate internal and external reports, evaluations, brochures, case studies, press releases and web stories that demonstrate the impact of PGI, promote it to new audiences, and raise the profile of NS and IFRC Secretariat in MENA.

Provide technical assistance to MENA Regional Office in planning, management, monitoring and reporting, mainstreaming PGI into issues to scope and design a funding submission in response to the anticipated funding opportunities


An advanced university degree (Master's degree) in Communication or Social/Behavioural Sciences (i.e. Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology or Health Education) or relevant experience – Preferred

Relevant graduate degree – Required 

IMPACT course or equivalent knowledge – Preferred



5+ years of experience in a PGI related role (protection, gender, sexual and gender-based violence, disability rights), including proven track record in providing strategic direction and developing and delivering tools and technical advisory outcomes – Required 

Minimum 3 years of experience with community engagement approaches, direct support to survivors of violence, exploitation or abuse, or addressing the specific needs of marginalized groups at community level.

3 years + Experience working in the MENA region – Required 

Experience working with partner organizations and in developing and adapting tools and experience and in strengthening capacities of local and national actors – Required 

Demonstrated professional experience in the IFRC or an organization within the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, or in an international organization or NGO – Required 

Demonstrated experience in applying humanitarian protection, gender, accessibility standards and guidelines and in setting up and managing accountability systems, participatory planning processes – Required 

Experience of coaching, training and developing local staff and volunteers in order to build long-term capacity and create ownership – Required 

Holds a holistic and intersectional approach to addressing issues of discrimination, violence and exclusion and understands the institutional requirements necessary to achieve sustainable humanitarian impact to prevent and respond appropriately –  Required 

Demonstrates ability to represent and advocate for Protection, Gender equality and Inclusion with diplomatic and contextual adaptation and appropriateness to sensitive issues including language – Required


Knowledge, Skills and Languages

Possesses a broad understanding of global humanitarian issues, and international humanitarian standards for Protection, gender and inclusion in disaster response and programmes – Required 

Excellent interpersonal, communication and networking skills, able to build relationships with people at all levels of the organisation across multiple countries and cultures, both in person and remotely, to build commitment and support for PGI – Required 

Excellent project management skills, able to work under pressure and manage multiple projects simultaneously, to a high standard and to deadline – Required 

Solid written and verbal communication skills especially with rendering concepts accessible for a range of audiences – Required 

Highly motivated, self-starter able to take initiative and lead a team or process –  Required 

Fluent spoken and written Arabic and English Required 

Good command of another IFRC official language – Preferred 


Competencies, Values and Comments

Respect for diversity;

Integrity and Accountability;


Collaboration and Teamwork;

Judgement and Decision Making;

Creativity and Innovation.

👈 للتقديم الى الوظيفة إضغط هنا – Click Here To Apply 👉

عن Jad Jamous

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