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وظيفة خالية: مطلوب مساعد محاسبة الميزانية للعمل مع بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي لدى الجمهورية اللبنانية

وظيفة خالية: مطلوب مساعد محاسبة الميزانية للعمل مع بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي لدى الجمهورية اللبنانية

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الأربعاء, 15 مارس 2023
نطاق الراتب:
> 3000 (USD)
البلد/المدينة: Lebanon بيروت

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم:

How to apply

Please submit your application, consisting of a cover letter  Europass format CV(format saved on the delegation website, URL Below) and a declaration on honour regarding the good standing/work rights/medical fitness via the functional mailbox delegation-lebanon-recruitment@eeas.europa.eu no later than 12:00 15/03/2023. Only complete applications received on time via the functional mailbox will be considered.

The successful candidate will be subject to a [medical check, background check, etc. whatever is relevant].

The process

After the deadline for applications, the eligible applications will be admitted to the Selection by the Committee set up for this purpose.

Depending on the number of applications received, successive phases of Selection may include shortlisting of candidates based assessment of the information provided in the cover letter, CV [interviews. At least 3 best candidates will be invited to the final interview.

Only candidates admitted to each successive selection phase will be contacted individually. The Delegation will use the same means of publication as for this job advertisement to inform the remaining candidates once the recruitment procedure has been completed and that a candidate has (or has not) been recruited.

The Delegation will not supply additional information or discuss the selection procedure. During the selection process, please do not contact the members of the Selection Committee, but address your questions and comments to the Delegation’s Administration.

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

We offer

The post of Budget/Accounting Assistant (Local Agent Group II) in the Delegation’s Finance and Contracts Section. The team consists of 12 people and there are occasional atypical working hours.
Under this post, the recruited person will be attributed functions depending on the needs of the Delegation, and on the changes of these needs. The successful candidate will serve under the supervision and responsibility of the Head of Finance and Contracts Section, as technical and support staff to follow up on financial and legal aspects of cooperation programmes. Following main tasks and duties are currently required:

  • Analyse, verify and process payment requests;
  • Prepare and establish documents relating to financial operations (commitments, decommitments, payment and recovery orders, etc.);
  • Follow up on contracts, payments and execution deadlines ;
  • Analyse, verify and process financial guarantees ;
  • Manage bank and legal entity files;
  • Ensure the quality of the data encoded the relevant IT applications;
  • Contribute to the preparation of financial reports and statistics;
  • Ensure compliance with procedures, regulations in force and guides ;
  • Prepare and / or verify the calls for tenders/calls for proposals documents while ensuring compliance with procedures and consistency with financing agreements ;
  • Organise and act as Secretary for calls for tenders/calls for proposals evaluation committees
  • Prepare and / or verify contract awards;
  • Prepare contracts for signature and verify the budget;
  • Encode the data accurately and completely in the relevant IT applications;
  • Identify and analyse requests for deviations (derogations, exceptions, non-compliance events, prior approvals and cases to report);
  • Follow up on disputes within the framework of calls for tenders and calls for proposals;
  • Advise on calls for tenders, contracts and grants to operational sections ;
  • Perform various administrative tasks;
  • File and archive financial documents and correspondence;
  • Process relevant correspondence and notes;
  • Supervise and manage original contracts and payments documents;
  • Follow up on reports drawn up by control bodies and participate in the preparation of responses to observations and other comments noted in audit reports, inspection reports, etc.;
  • Act as one of the section’s focal point for audit and internal control issues in his/her field and carry out any horizontal tasks assigned to him/ her within the section (Annual Audit Plan, EAMR, monitoring of KPIs…).

The expected tentative start date will be on 01/06/2023.

Minimum requirements / eligibility criteria (necessary for the application to be considered)

  1. Minimum of three years of professional experience working within multicultural/ international organizations, the private sector or governmental bodies;
  2. Minimum of one year of professional experience in accounting/finance;
  3. Fluent knowledge of English and Arabic (minimum level B1);
  4. Medically fit to perform the required duties;
  5. Enjoys civil rights and permits for employment under local law.

Assets / selection criteria

Assets relevant to several tasks and duties:

  • Proven knowledge of IT Tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Zoom, Skype etc.);
  • High level of language skills (written, oral) in English and Arabic;
  • Analyze information with accuracy;
  • Adapt to changing priorities or environment;;
  • Knowledge of the European Union;
  • French is an asset;
  • Experience in dealing with rules and procedures concerning calls for proposals, calls for tenders, contracts, and/or audit;
  • Experience in working in an international environment;
  • Time management and interpersonal skills;
  • Multitasking person with a strong sense of flexibility and responsibility;
  • Very good communication and organizational skills;
  • Capacity to establish and maintain good interpersonal relations at work;
  • A sense of discretion, confidentiality and responsibility are important prerequisites for this post;
  • Ability to work effectively and independently in a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural team.

👈 للتقديم الى الوظيفة إضغط هنا – Click Here To Apply 👉

عن Jad Jamous

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