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وظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب Business Portfolio Assistant للعمل مع شركة كيمونكس انترناشونال

وظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب Business Portfolio Assistant للعمل مع شركة كيمونكس انترناشونال

آخر مهلة للتقديم: السبت, 18 مارس 2023
نطاق الراتب:
بين 1500 و 2000 (دولار أمريكي)
البلد/المدينة: Lebanon بيروت / البقاع / الشمال / الجنوب

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم:

Qualified applicants must submit their resume to LebanonAre Recruitment on: recruitment@lebanonare.org and write in the subject line the area you are applying to: “BPA-Beirut” or  “BPA-North” or “BPA-South” or “BPA-Beqaa”.  Applications that do not follow this naming methodology in the subject line will not be considered. Following screening of eligible candidates who meet the needs of ARE Activity, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further screening and interviewing. Phone calls will not be accepted. Cover letter is not required. Applications must be submitted by March 18, 2023, any applications after the submission deadline will not be considered.

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:


The Lebanon Agriculture and Rural Empowerment (ARE) activity, funded by USAID and implemented by Chemonics International, supports Lebanese rural and peri-urban communities to obtain technical and financial resources in order to facilitate increased productivity, sales, and exports, improved business income, while also ensuring livelihood sustainability. To support this purpose, ARE will increase jobs; improve incomes; improve female participation and employment opportunities; increase domestic and export sales; increase private sector investment; improve access to finance; link value chain actors to domestic and international markets; and improve production through improved practices, technology, increased volume, and/or decreased cost. ARE supports two key expected results:

  1. Increased domestic and export sales at both firm and farm levels.
  2. Livelihoods improved, especially in rural areas and for women.



With the challenging business landscape and increasing number of grants, the  Business Portfolio Assistant is needed to strengthen program design and increase the current pace of implementation while achieving the expected deliverables within the appropriate timeframe in an efficient and effective way. He/she will work closely with ARE’s Business Portfolio Manager (BPM) on the day-to-day activity management and will support in the account management of partners, grantees and stakeholders in ARE’s areas of implementation as per the below administrative, technical/operational and communication duties that are essential to the efficient and effective implementation of project management team and wider ARE portfolio.



Administrative Duties

  • Arrange programmatic and technical meetings/site visits as requested.
  • Maintain calendars and appointments.
  • Assist in taking notes and minutes of meetings when and as needed.
  • Arrange program logistics including but not limited to travel requests, room booking, other.
  • Other administrative duties as assigned by the BPM.

Technical and Operational Duties

  • Support, in coordination with the BPM, the co-creation process more specifically the technical component to assist the BPM in determining appropriate courses of action, at all levels (technical, operations, other.) when developing Partnership Framework Agreement (PFA)/grant objectives and activities.  Specific examples include the validation of technical and business-related data related to applicants’ feasibility studies, production data, site inspections, documentation review and others.
  • Support, in coordination with the BPM and Regional Private Sector Engagement specialist on developing and completing the required documents/reports related to grant applications.
  • Support the implementation of grants in close coordination with the BPM.
  • Conduct field visits with the ARE team members to SMEs, partners and other stakeholders.
  • Support in updating grants progress and tasks in the project management tracking tools.
  • Support in gathering documentation needed for the monitoring, evaluation and learning as well as Grants teams (fill surveys, collect data, other.).
  • Support field and/or desk research on specific/assigned agricultural and agribusiness and review studies and other relevant documentation.
  • Review supporting documentations and deliverables of milestones.
  • Other programmatic and technical duties as assigned by the BPM.

Other Duties

  • Support in planning and organizing ARE networking events and site visits.
  • Track projects and media exposure.
  • Support as needed in sourcing and developing content for online material and tools.
  • Facilitate effective internal communications with other departments.
  • Prepare presentation and reports.
  • Facilitate effective internal communications.
  • Other related tasks as assigned by the BPM.



  • Bachelor’s or higher degree in relevant field, including Agriculture, Agribusiness and Business Administration.
  • Minimum of four years of experience preferably working on donor-funded projects in a related role with strong technical writing skills. Applied business skills in agricultural programs are a plus.
  • Demonstrated experience in assisting technical teams in day-to-day program operations, basic financial modeling and analysis, and report writing.
  • Knowledge of USAID, or other donors preferred.
  • Excellent/fluent written and spoken English and Arabic.
  • Proficient use of the Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) is required.
  • Demonstrated capacity to adapt to an international multicultural environment.
  • Good communication and excellent English writing skills, ability to work independently and under pressure, solid managerial skills and environment team player with demonstrable self-initiative and drive.



Four Business Portfolio Assistants located in Beirut/Mount Lebanon, South, North and Bekaa areas.


The Business Portfolio Assistants will report to the Business Portfolio Managers in their respective areas.

عن Jad Jamous

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