الجمعة, سبتمبر 20, 2024
الرئيسيةفرص عمل ووظائف شاغرة في لبنان والشرق الأوسطوظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب MEAL Officer - Part-time للعمل لدى منظمة Concern Worldwide

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وظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب MEAL Officer – Part-time للعمل لدى منظمة Concern Worldwide

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وظيفة شاغرة: مطلوب MEAL Officer – Part-time للعمل لدى منظمة Concern Worldwide

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: نعم
نطاق الراتب: بين 800 و 1200(دولار أمريكي)
آخر مهلة للتقديم: الاثنين, 8 مايو 2023
المنطقة: الشمال
توجيهات التقديم:

Upon submission, please include “Your Name –  MEAL Officer – Part-time” in the subject of the email

Applications without Cover letter will not be considered

Only short-listed candidates will have their applications acknowledged

Please include the details of 2 recent employers for professional references in your CV , including line managers & HR departments from the 2 recent employers ( Name, Phone Number, specify if direct line manager / HR, Professional email Address, Employer's name)

Concern is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

Any attempts to influence the selection process will lead to disqualification

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

Job Purpose:

Under the supervision of the MEAL Manager, the main role of the MEAL Officer will be to manage M&E frameworks and tools that will monitor and evaluate the progress and impact of the UNHCR &IRISH AID project. The MEAL Officer will also conduct regular field visits to monitor the quality of data collection and ensure the teams understand and are actively using the tools in the field. He/She is also responsible for ensuring data collected is inputted and analysed on time and will generate information that facilitates making decision-making on program design and implementation and reporting of the UNHCR &IRISH AID projects.

Main duties &  Responsibilities:

To support the MEAL Manager in the management of the M&E system for the UNHCR &IRISH AID projects and ensure it is implemented effectively

  • With the support of the MEAL manager, building on existing tools, apply procedures for the monitoring and evaluating of UNHCR &IRISH AID project activities. This will include reviewing the project log frame, particularly in the areas of the objective hierarchy, indicators and monitoring mechanisms.
  • Assist in revision of existing M&E tools; assist in the application of procedures for the M&E of UNHCR &IRISH AID project activities. This will include reviewing the project’s logical framework and monitoring mechanisms.
  • Collaborate with the MEAL Manager to guarantee that UNHCR &IRISH AID project teams understand the logical framework and key project performance indicators and are implementing the M&E tools designed to measure UNHCR &IRISH AID progress against pre-approved indicators.
  • Undertake regular visits to the UNHCR &IRISH AID field locations to support implementing M&E activities like routine data collection and support participatory review meetings with communities.
  • With the support of the MEAL manager, assisting in the design and management of internal evaluation, including the coordination of field-based, Concern HQ, data collection activities, review of an evaluation report, and sharing of evaluation findings and recommendations with intended audiences.
  • Actively support the broader Concern Lebanon and Concern Worldwide organisational initiatives within the context of knowledge management, planning, monitoring and evaluation and sharing innovations and learning from Concern interventions.
  • Design, plan and implement a capacity-building plan for Concerns relevant staff and/or partner staff on key elements of the different M&E components.

To support collecting and analyzing of  UNHCR &IRISH AID project data at input, output and outcome levels

  • Prepare data collection tools for PDMs, baselines and end lines in collaboration with the IM officer and guidance from the MEAL Manager and assist in preparing all survey protocols.
  • Liaising with M&E staff of other relevant agencies and government offices as relevant to collect current country information on the indicators relevant to the project
  • Script quantitative surveys (PDMs, baselines and end lines) in DDG (Digital data gathering) or any comparable software in collaboration with the IM officer.
  • Carry out and supervise data collection for PDMs for multipurpose cash monthly.
  • Perform analysis of PDMs data monthly, draft reports presenting the results of the analysis, and share the findings in an appropriate format.
  •  Monitor the entire data collection process under UNHCR &IRISH AID projects, from manual drafting, training of enumerators, and monitoring of fieldwork to ensure data quality.
  • Ensure all MEAL-related data and files are properly organised and stored

Work Ethic

  • Adhere to the standards of conduct outlined in the Programme Participant Protection Policy and Concern’s Code of Conduct;
  • Support the promotion of the standards outlined in the Programme Participant Protection Policy and Concern Code of Conduct to the team and the beneficiaries, and be committed to providing a safe working environment;
  • Respect confidentiality and follow ethical guidelines

Team Management & Leadership:

  • Take part with the HR department in the recruitment processes of direct subordinates
  • Provide support to the direct subordinates, contribute to their capacity building and career development through technical support and on-the-job training and coaching, including in particular a thorough induction at the start of their contract & follow up on their integration plan
  • Ensure that direct subordinates are aware of and comply with all of Concern’s policies and procedures (Code of conduct, HR policy, and others)
  • Ensure that direct subordinates have accurate job descriptions, brief new joiners on their roles & responsibilities & job success factors, and set SMART objectives
  • Ensure that work within the team is fairly distributed, planned and organized in a way which will efficiently & effectively meet the needs of the organization & department, while ensuring that team members are given appropriate workloads
  • Monitor and periodically review performance of the direct subordinates through feedback and performance appraisals, hold staff accountable for meeting their success criteria, and give corrective and constructive feedback where required
  • Ensuring team motivation
  • Regularly meeting with direct subordinates for follow up, support, listening to their needs, and others as per the need
  • Ensure information circulation & coordination across the team and with other concerned departments when relevant
  • Set a work plan and follow up when needed
  • Solve & mitigate team conflicts, while ensuring the involvement of the HR department
  • Contribute to a healthy working culture in the department


The tasks of this position are not limited to what is mentioned in this job description, additional tasks can be requested as per the programmatic needs

Essential Requirements:

Education :Bachelor’s degree in business, statistics, mathematics, computer science, or information management information or related fields;

Experience: At least 2 years of experience in M&E with INGOs/NGOs

Languages: Fluent Arabic and English


  • Demonstrable experience in gathering, analyzing and presenting quantitative and qualitative data
  • Possesses advanced Excel skills (e.g. pivot tables, functions, etc.).
  • Demonstrated understanding of different data collection methodologies.
  • Good knowledge of MS Office Suite and mobile data collection systems such as (KOBO, ODK, Surevy123, and IFormBuilder)
  • Excellent attention to detail and ability to multitask effectively
  • Comfortable working independently with minimal supervision as well as in a team
  • Excellent written and oral presentation skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Detail-oriented, able to organise and manage various programmer files
  •  Good organizational and coordination skills


  • Excellent reporting skills are an asset.
  • Practical experience using participatory and result-based management approaches in MEAL.
  • Previous team management experience in a plus.

Job Location: Akkar & T5

Contract Details: Part-time, 80% activity rate , expected 4 working days a week

Emergency response:

Concern is committed to responding to emergencies efficiently and effectively to help affected people meet their basic needs, alleviate suffering and maintain their dignity. To this end, when emergencies strike and Lebanon Programme is to respond, you may be requested to actively participate in the response, regardless of location, and contribute to the efforts aimed at achieving the humanitarian objective of the organization.

Concern’s Core Competencies Requirements:

Managing yourself: aware of own abilities and areas for development, adapts and uses abilities to work well with others and help achieve Concern’s objectives

Individual Leadership: acts to inspire others by clearly articulating and demonstarting the values and principles that underpin concern’s work. Holds a sense of pride in Concern and loyalty to the organization. Supports others to achieve excellent results

Communication & Working with others: uses the most appropriate channel to share information with others both inside and outside Concern; adapts the message to meet the communication needs of the audience. Works effectively with others, gaining the most from people and situations

Delivering Results: Delivers on commitments, uses approprioate techniques to help achive agreed objectvies

Planning & Decision Making: systematically develops plans towards achieving objectives, makes clear, informed and timely decisions appropriate to the tole, in the interests of Concern and those we work with

Creativity & Innovation: Focused on continual improvement, seeks out, develops and successfully implements new ideas that further organizational priorities and the needs of those we work with, builds on proven approaches, evaluates and learns from ongoing work to improve it

Influence, advocacy, and networking: Engages with others inside and outside the organization to promote the interests of Concern and those we work with, gathers and shares a wider knowledge of issues relevant to Concern’s work

Change: Responds positively and constructively to change, managers to take part in change processes in a way that is appropriate to role in the organization

Concern Code of Conduct and its Associated Policies

Concern has an organisational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organisation, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context, staff have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Concern Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies.

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