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فرص عمل: مطلوب عاملة اجتماعية أو عامل اجتماعي – Social Worker للعمل لدى جمعية البرامج النسائية

فرص عمل: مطلوب عاملة اجتماعية أو عامل اجتماعي – Social Worker للعمل لدى جمعية البرامج النسائية

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا

الراتب: 300$

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الخميس, 10 آب 2023

المنطقة / البلد: بيروت – لبنان

توجيهات التقديم:

Interested candidates possessing the required experience and skills are invited to send an updated CV to: mentioning “Social Worker – Beirut” in the subject, and fill the form through below link:

للتقديم الى الوظيفة اضغط هنا

Applications submitted without Title will be disregarded

We apologize in advance as only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:


Women’s Programs Association (WPA) is a non-profit non-governmental organization, legally registered with the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities since 2008 under license number 344. WPA’s mission is to build a generation of Palestinian women and youth with equal rights and opportunities for decent livelihood by building their knowledge, capacity, and assets. This is achieved through series of programs and activities under four sectors, namely, Livelihood, Protection, Education and Social Stability.

WPA is seeking to recruit a Social Worker at Beirut – Burj Barajneh camp

The Social Worker will responsible for:

  • Identify and refer cases of vulnerable women and girls to appropriate services, within WPA or to partners, in accordance with the referral pathway and based on the identified need, respecting safety, confidentiality and beneficiaries’ wishes
  • Provide advice and support to identified vulnerable beneficiaries based on individual assessment and in accordance with specific intervention plan
  •  Consult with the center’s clinical psychologist on specific cases and agree on the plan of action in line with diagnosis and his/ her capacity.
  • Build partnerships and networks with actors in the camp / area for the referral of cases based on identified needs (e.g. mental health, speech therapy, disability services, etc.), in addition to the coordination of joint activities and initiatives with community members
  • Maintain files for individual clients, and ensure full confidentiality and privacy in information sharing and storage of files.
  • Plan and implement life skills, awareness sessions and PSS activities in collaboration with the Social Work Supervisor, center supervisor and relevant team members according to WPA guidelines and projects workplan.
  • Support outreach for the sessions based on established criteria and ensure follow-up with participants with regards to regular attendance, and setting schedule of sessions in coordination with the center supervisor and the beneficiaries
  •  Maintain a database with disaggregated data (by gender, age, nationality and disability) of all interventions; including supported beneficiaries, group sessions, awareness sessions, life skills etc. using applicable tools.
  • Ensure the center’s listening room provides comfortable atmosphere to beneficiaries and full confidentiality
  • Responsible for conducting pre/post and satisfaction survey questionnaires of the specific interventions following standardized protocols, and ensure reporting is completed on a timely basis.
  • Conduct focus group discussions with girls and women on specific topics and report findings to supervisors.
  • Prepare monthly report on key achievements, challenges and recommendations
  • Coordinate with the center supervisor to address difficulties / challenges impacting activities’ implementation.
  • Participate in meetings and trainings, as required.

عن Mohamad Jamous

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