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فرصة عمل: منظمة العمل ضد الجوع تعلن عن حاجتها لمسؤول ميداني – FSL Field Officer

فرصة عمل: منظمة العمل ضد الجوع تعلن عن حاجتها لمسؤول ميداني – FSL Field Officer

نطاق الراتب: بين 1200 و 1500 (دولار أمريكي)
آخر مهلة للتقديم: السبت, 30 سبتمبر 2023
قطاع(ات) التدخل: حقوق الإنسان والحماية
نوع العقد: دوام‬ ‫كامل‬
مدة الوظيفة: 6 months
درجة التعليم: بكالوريوس
متطلبات الخبرة: بين سنة واحدة وسنتين
اللغة العربية: ممتاز
اللغة الانكليزية: ممتاز
اللغة الفرنسية: غير مطلوب
البلد/المدينة: البقاع – زحلة / لبنان
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم:

Eligible candidates are invited to apply the earliest possible as we are screening applications on a rolling basis.

Only the applications received through our website will be taken into consideration.

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

Action against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women, and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

In Lebanon, the Syrian crisis continues to generate political, social, and economic pressure due to the war in Lebanon and keeps more than 1.5 million refugees in a situation of increasing vulnerability. In this environment of political, economic and social uncertainty, our teams have maintained their high levels of humanitarian response and aid to Lebanon. Likewise, our interventions have been maintained in the Bekaa and northern areas, as well as in the south of the country, with a special focus on working in partnership or in consortium with other organizations and on institutional strengthening of the relationship with both donors. institutional, such as with local authorities and entities.

The FSL Field Officer will be responsible to:

Under the supervision of Livelihood head of project and FSL Supervisor, the FSL Field Officer is responsible for the daily technical planning, implementation, supervision, monitoring, managing resources and reporting of the field activities of public awareness, temporary employment in livelihood activities, and for ensuring proper coordination with municipalities, other authorities, beneficiaries and related ACF departments. The position requires extensive field work and movement in the Bekaa. S/He is expected to be resistant to stress, as s/he will be working in versatile environment.

Objective 1: To ensure timely and quality implementation of FSL activities. (60%)

  • To actively engage in the beneficiary selection process under the guidance of the FSL supervisor and or FSL Head of project.
  • To provide support to the Head of Project for the design of the livelihood
  • Activities.
  • To provide support to the Head of Project and the FSL Program Manager in the
  • design of the trainings to be provided to livelihood program participants.
  • To conduct livelihood activities in the field under the guidance of the Supervisor (input, distribution, trainings, set up, maintenance, monitoring, reporting, etc.).
  • To conduct household visits, focus group discussions and key informant interviews upon the request of Supervisor and/or Head of Project.
  • Daily follow up on the cash for work activities with the supervisor and the
  • municipality focal point.
  • Monitor the conformity of the field works (trainings, field visits, meeting, etc.) with the standards of Action Against Hunger, and as per the agreed activity planned, BoQs and contracts.
  • To provide verbal and written reports on the activities to the Head of Project as and when needed.
  • Ensure the timely implementation of field works as per the predefined schedule.
  • Inform and document the anomalies and the challenges carried out during the
  • implementation phase of the program.
  • To participate in the briefing and induction sessions given to stakeholders.

Objective 2: Stakeholder coordinators. (10%)

  • Coordination in the field with the local partners on best implementation including participants, and communities affected by the project activities.
  • Field coordination with local authorities and ensuring continuous communication with beneficiaries and communities’ representatives regarding the implementation of works and in order to ensure a flawless progress of activities.
  • Support in building relationships between Action Against Hunger, local authorities, municipalities, and communities.

Objective 3: Data collection and reporting. (25%)

  • File, document, and report work progress to the line manager on weekly basis.
  • Regular reporting of work progress to the Supervisor and Head of Project.
  • Report possible problems or conflicts during the activities.
  • Report the use of materials and possible improvement.

Objective 4:  To support other humanitarian activities of ACF upon the request of the PM. (5%)

  • Support the emergency interventions of the organization as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Support any activity that helps reaching our humanitarian goals, as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Promote gender equality within the humanitarian and/or development work.

Objective 5: Security

  • Respect the security rules specified in the mission and base security plan, see to it that the team under his/her responsibility complies with the security plan and perform the security management tasks that can be assigned in its protocols.
  • Communicate to the security managers of the working location any security related information or noncompliance with the security plan.

Objective 6: Support humanitarian activities of Action Against Hunger

  • Support the emergency interventions of the organization as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Support any activity that helps reaching our humanitarian goals, as per the employee’s abilities.

Objective 7: Gender & Safeguarding

  • Promote safe and equitable environments, through knowledge and application of the protocol against harassment and gender policy.
  • Knowledge and compliance with safeguarding policy.

Action Against Hunger – Lebanon seeks to promote gender equality and is committed to empowering women to participate effectively in their communities, we strongly encourage women to apply.

We Strongly encourage people with disabilities to apply.

ACF has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and abuse (SEA).

لتصفح المزيد من الوظائف الشاغرة في لبنان والشرق الأوسط اضغط هنا

عن Mohamad Jamous

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