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Jobs Vacancies: مطلوب مُدرسين ومُدرسات في مجال التعليم المبكر للأطفال (ECE Teacher)

Jobs Vacancies: مطلوب مُدرسين ومُدرسات في مجال التعليم المبكر للأطفال (ECE Teacher)

معلومات الوظيفة:

الراتب: 8$ / Teaching Hour
آخر مهلة للتقديم: الخميس, 29 فبراير 2024
قطاع(ات) التدخل: التعليم
نوع العقد: دوام ‫جزئي‬
مدة الوظيفة: till 25-12-2024 ( Possibility of Renewal Based on Funds & Performance)
نطاق الراتب: < 800 (USD)
درجة التعليم: بكالوريوس
تفاصيل درجة التعليم: Bachelor’s Degree or other appropriate academic qualification related to the teaching subject, or in education or teaching, or another relevant field.
متطلبات الخبرة: بين سنتين و3 سنوات
اللغة العربية: بطلاقة
اللغة الانكليزية: بطلاقة
اللغة الفرنسية: غير مطلوب
البلد/المدينة: بيروت / لبنان
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا

توجيهات التقديم:

Please include ” ECE Teacher – Nabaa ” in the subject line of the email (emails with no subject line will be discarded) – Due to a large number of applicants, only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Basmeh & Zeitooneh recognize that gender relations and inequalities are fundamental causes of poverty. Principles of equity and social justice require us to work to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity for expressing and using their potential, irrespective of sex, age, race, color, class, caste, religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, HIV status, or disability.

Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

اضغط هنا وانضم الى قناتنا على الواتساب لنشر الوظائف والأخبار على مدار الساعة
Senior HR Officer
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

Basmeh & Zeitooneh is a registered Lebanese organization, committed to serving refugees and vulnerable communities in Lebanon, through five community centers across the country. The organization runs educational, relief, livelihoods, and protection programs, and aims to serve as an inclusive and supportive focal point for the entire community.

Basmeh & Zeitooneh has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual exploitation, abuse, child abuse, fraud, bribery, and corrupt activities.

Basmeh & Zeitooneh (B&Z) is committed to maintaining your personal information's security, confidentiality, and privacy.

Basmeh & Zeitooneh is committed to safeguarding the well-being of children and upholding the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Basmeh & Zeitooneh maintains a zero-tolerance policy on child abuse.

Major Activities :

  • Preparing classroom plan lessons (Daily – weekly – monthly)
  • Responsible for class decoration and bulletins.
  • Responsible for individual student’s progress
  • Responsible for the student’s attendance sheet and sharing with SS and the coordinators.
  • Ensuring the safety of students and following CP, SP, and COC of Basmeh & Zeitooneh in class corridors and playgrounds a tall …
  • Student supervision during playground according to a fixed schedule
  • Providing high-quality inclusive education to all our students.
  • Providing questions for student’s exams to coordinators to create questions for bank
  • Setting and following class rules
  • Preparing tools, games, activities, class decorations, and educational materials for students.
  • Putting the student's well-being as a priority
  • Identification any issues and reporting them to the protection
  • Grading students and sharing with the coordinators.
  • Attending all the LC meetings and meetings with parents …
  • Setting clear classroom rules and rewards, and reinforcement systems.
  • Reporting behavioral, psychological, physical, or learning difficulties observed to both protection staff and SS.
  • Promoting a positive and constructive atmosphere with students and teachers by encouraging, supporting, and respecting them
  • Attending workshops and training decided by coordinators.
  • Responsible for students during outings organized by AS and coordinators.
  • Ensuring students are acquiring the lessons through diverse innovative, and interactive teaching tools
  • Filling out the grades and report cards and delivering them on time to coordinators.
  • Replacing other teachers when asked by coordinators or AS or LCM.
  • Teaching and following a daily routine.
  • Adapting the program to suit the needs of the individual child or group.
  • Consistently planning innovative ways of keeping children actively engaged.
  • Imparting knowledge to children through fun and play.
  • Ensuring the social and emotional growth of the child.
  • Addressing the physical needs of the individual child or group.

Responsibilities with the Protection team:

  • Ensure quality and minimum child protection standards are implemented and respected in all activities, including the child safeguarding policy.
  • Ability to identify at-risk cases and refer them to the social workers in the learning center.

Education & Experience: 

  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community.
  • Records maintenance skills.
  • Knowledge of early childhood education programs and techniques.
  • Knowledge of child development theory and practice.
  • Ability to evaluate, design, and implement curriculum, testing, and/or teaching methodologies.
  • Ability to provide activities for children that encourage healthy growth.
  • Ability to exercise control and maintain classroom discipline.
  • Knowledge of applicable safety procedures.
  • Ability to provide a supportive and caring environment for children.
  • Ability to develop and present educational programs and/or workshops.
  • Ability to persuade and influence others.
  • Honesty and trustworthiness, and responsive to constructive feedback and advice
  • Organized
  • Active listening, understanding, communicating effectively, and discussing with supervisors and parents children's learning problems and psychosocial requirements
  • Maintain confidentiality.
  • Fluent in Arabic and English both spoken and written.
  • Bachelor’s Degree or other appropriate academic qualification related to the teaching subject, or in education or teaching, or another relevant field
  • At least two years of experience in teaching
  • Advanced knowledge of the subject being taught
  • Excellent teaching skills
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عن Mohamad Jamous

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