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فرص عمل: مطلوب مدير/ة لمشروع (Project Manager) للعمل مع منظمة Acted Ngo

فرص عمل: مطلوب مدير/ة لمشروع (Project Manager) للعمل مع منظمة Acted Ngo

معلومات الوظيفة:

نطاق الراتب: بين 1500 و 2000 (دولار أمريكي)
آخر مهلة للتقديم: الأحد, 10 مارس 2024
قطاع(ات) التدخل: تنمية
نوع العقد: دوام‬ ‫كامل‬
مدة الوظيفة: TBD, based on project funding
درجة التعليم: ماجستير
متطلبات الخبرة: بين 3 سنوات و5 سنوات
اللغة العربية: بطلاقة
اللغة الانكليزية: بطلاقة
اللغة الفرنسية: غير مطلوب
البلد/المدينة: بيروت / لبنان
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا

توجيهات التقديم: 

Applications  should be submitted through this Link and should include:

للتقديم الى الوظيفة اضغط هنا – Apply Now

Detailed CV with at least two References, and

Cover letter (max 1 page)

For any question/Clarification, please contact us via email:

The deadline for submission is March 10,2024 . Any incomplete submissions will be disregarded.

“ACTED has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH) and ensures that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited. All candidates will be subject to satisfactory references and screening checks in line with legal requirements. Any candidate offered a job will sign ACTED’s Code of Conduct and related policies as part of their work contract. All staff are expected to abide by the standards of behaviour outlined in those documents.”

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البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:


To ensure the overall success of the project, and seeing that deliverables arrive on time, on scope, on budget, within acceptable quality levels, and in line with donor requirements and based on beneficiary needs.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Programming
  2. Project Planning
  3. Develop overall project implementation strategy (incl. the transition/phase out strategy), systems, approaches, tools, and materials;
  4. Identify and plan technical skills and requirements to implement the project as per relevant standards;
  5. Develop the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to organize the various project deliverables and the work required to complete them into smaller and more manageable parts (work package);
  6. Create the work schedule by sequencing the work packages and related tasks;
  7. Prepare the work plan, which brings together the WBS and the schedule, to serve as a comprehensive and detailed model map for the successful implementation of the project;
  8. Organize, plan and lead project kick-off and end of project transition planning meetings, and follow-up on the project-related action points originating from these meetings.


    1. Project Implementation Follow-up
  1. Control the work plan, monitor the implementation status of the project and update the project progress on a daily basis;
  2. Document implementation progress and challenges by regularly updating the Project Management Framework (PMF) and sharing it with country coordination;
  3. Ensure that relevant technical quality and standards are considered and respected during project implementation;
  4. Operate following the “do no harm principles” in order to ensure projects are safe for communities;
  5. Anticipate and mitigate risks and issues, and trouble-shoot any unforeseen challenges during the project implementation;
  6. Coordinate and manage changes in project implementation, in particular identifying change needs to occur, reviewing proposed changed, analyzing the impact they have on the project plan, approving/denying requested changes and controlling and updating the scope, cost, budget, schedule, and quality requirements based upon approved changes and in coordination with the Project Development Unit and the Finance Department;
  7. Provide regular and timely updates on progress and challenges to supervisors and other team members.


    1. Documenting and Compliance
  1. Ensure project records and documents, in particular documents that proof completion of activities (beneficiary list, donation certificates, attendance sheets, etc.) are adequately prepared, compiled and filed according to ACTED procedures and donor specific procedures;
  2. Maintain a beneficiary master database containing all beneficiary registration and baseline information as well as the activities from which the beneficiaries benefitted ensure the data is protected from misuse in line with ACTED’s data protection policy;
  3. Ensure staff awareness of, and respect of, ACTED’s code of conduct, FLATS procedures and donor requirements.


    1. Beneficiary Engagement and Accountability
  1. Ensure project staff adhere to ACTED’s Code of Conduct and treat all beneficiaries with respect and without any distinction or discrimination based on nationality, race, ethnicity, tribe, gender, religious beliefs, political opinion or disability;
  2. Oversee the appropriate, achievable and acceptable selection of project beneficiaries;
  3. Develop a communication strategy with communities so that factual, objective and actionable information is provided to project stakeholders;
  4. Ensure project stakeholders are empowered to participate throughout the project cycle;
  5. Ensure that ACTED’s Complaints and Response Mechanism is communicated to target communities and solve complaints related to the project in coordination with the AMEU.


    1. Internal Coordination
  1. Organize regular project coordination meetings with the project team;
  2. Participate in Weekly Area Meetings (WAMs) and when requested/as relevant in Monthly Coordination meetings (MCMs), and provide updates about implementation progress, challenges, risks, changes in context.


    1. External Coordination and Stakeholder Engagement
  1. Support, facilitate or undertake communication and liaison activities to actively consult and involve beneficiaries, key informants, actors, partners and stakeholders in all stages of project design (liaising with the PD unit) and implementation;
  2. Coordinate and collaborate with others by cultivating good relations with key humanitarian actors – local and international, including government authorities and non-state actors, through regular attendance at technical meetings and bilateral meetings;
  3. Identify opportunities to collaborate and coordinate efforts with other organizations to ensure our activities build upon – rather than replicate – the work of others;
  4. Refer unmet needs to other relevant actors;
  5. Share externally learning and innovation with communities and other stakeholders.
    1. Partner Management
  7. Clarify roles/responsibilities as well as expectations, notably in terms of processes to be followed as well as budget, from the start of the partnership in order to avoid issues at a later stage.
  8. Provide support to partners in project implementation and ensure timely and qualitative implementation of projects by partners in line with ACTED and donor requirements;
  9. Refer partners to relevant ACTED staff to support and/or train them in FLATS procedures where relevant;
  10. Lead review meetings with partners, with particular attention given to the relationship aspects of partnership collaboration, and ensure that any issues or disputes are resolved in a timely manner.
    1. Security
  12. Regularly conduct a context analysis in the project implementation area by identifying and following micro signals (e.g. security indicators, socio-economic indicators) and support the Area Coordinator and the Security Department in preparing the monthly update of SEC-02GZ;
  13. Ensure project stakeholders have a good image of ACTED thus increasing the acceptance of ACTED’s presence and activities in the project implementation area;
  14. Manage the movement of the project implementation team and ensure that the movement SOPs are strictly respected by the team members;
  15. When necessary, negotiate access with local stakeholders.
  17. Human Resource
  18. Define the structure of the project team and develop project organizational chart within the limitations of the budget;
  19. Develop and/or adjust ToRs outlining staff roles and responsibilities in line with ACTED standards;
  20. Submit recruitment plan for the project to HR Department;
  21. Participate in the recruitment of technical project staff;
  22. Ensure that project staff understand and are able to perform their roles and responsibilities;
  23. Follow-up the work plans and day-to-day activities of the project staff;
  24. Ensure a positive working environment and good team dynamics;
  25. Undertake regular appraisals of staff and follow career management;
  26. Manage interpersonal conflicts;
  27. Ensure capacity building among staff in relevant sectors.
  28. Logistics
  29. Participate in the procurement planning processes, launch procurements required for the project in a timely manner, and follow procurements closely in collaboration with logistics;
  30. Send accurate and precise order forms in a timely manner;
  31. Check the quality of the required goods/supplies at the contracting stage as well as at reception point and contribute to procurements committees to finalize suppliers’ selection according to applicable scenario;
  32. Follow-up closely project stock levels in coordination with logistics, and monitor pro-actively current, pipeline, distributed and required stock;
  33. Participate in effective fleet management through timely and reasonable vehicle requests;
  1. Ensure that the project team has adequate assets necessary for performing its duties.


  1. Finance
  1. Participate in the review of the BFU, and forecast initial and regular costs and cross-check expenditures for projects activities;
  2. Forecast monthly cash requirements of the project and submit to AC;
  3. Participate in new budget development processes through the provision of expert programmatic advice related to contextual knowledge.


  1. Quality Control
  1. Participate in AMEU planning processes and actively support the delivery of AMEU activities in line with the project AME framework and AME Manual;
  2. Plan and organize internal qualitative assurance checks by the project team;
  3. Assess the activities undertaken and ensure efficient use of resources;
  4. Undertake regular field visits to provide technical guidance and supervision as well as regularly monitor the progress of project activities;
  5. Discuss, plan and deliver appropriate corrective actions, including based on AME findings and recommendations;
  6. Collect and apply appropriate lessons learnt and best practices to current projects, and ensure these lessons learnt are pro-actively shared with supervisor, the AMEU and other team members to apply them in future project development processes.


  1. Grant Management
  1. In close collaboration with the Project Development Unit, manage contractual obligations and ensure the adherence to donor procedures;
  2. Report regularly on project activities, challenges and indicators through monthly submissions of the PMF and PM report;
  3. Contribute to drafting of (external) project progress reports, ensuring the quality and accuracy of technical information provided;
  4. Organize, plan and lead the project close-out meeting and follow-up on the project-related action points originating from this meeting
  5. Participate in communication activities through the regular collection of pictures and stories related to project activities;
  6. Participate in new proposal development processes through the provision of expert programmatic advice related to contextual knowledge;
  7. Where relevant, liaise with donors and work closely with partners on project updates, site visits and other communication, in coordination with the Project Development Unit.


  1. Other
  1. Offer technical support and inputs to other projects in similar sectors (e.g. BOQ design);
  2. Any other tasks as assigned by the Line Manager

Key Performance Indicators

  • % of milestones completed on time as per the original plan
  • % of consolidated up to date PMF shared with country coordination on a monthly basis
  • Project completed on time without the need for an NCE
  • Project completed within budget flexibility (not requiring a budget amendment for project lines)
  • % of contractual performance indicators achieved
  • % of AMEU assessment ToRs and findings provided feedback on in a timely manner
  • Project records and documents (beneficiary lists, donation certificates, attendance sheets, payment sheets) available for all project activities
  • Positive monitoring and evaluation reports (internal and external)
  • % of staff members trained on accountability and the CRM
  • % ineligible expenses on project budget lines
  • % retention rate of project staff throughout project lifetime


The qualifications required for the job are :

Educational Background: Master’s degree in a relevant field such as International Development, Project Management, Business Administration,  Sustainable Development, or a related discipline is required.

Professional Qualifications: 1- Experience Project Management or PM Certification,  such as Project Management Professional (PMP), experience working with INGOs or UN Agencies.

2- Previous Experience in Project Management is desirable

Relevant Experience :  Project Coordination/Management Experience, P Networking and Relationship building, Financial building.

Technical and Personal Skills/Qualities: Knowledge of  Project Management, Financial Management, Leadership, Communication, Adaptability, Problem-Solving, time management, Legal and Compliance etc.

Application Processes:

The candidate should fill out the application through this link :

Apply Now – للتقديم الى الوظيفة اضغط هنا

. After CVs screenings, Only Shortlisted Candidates are asked to complete a technical exam (Written test) and attend an interview at acted offices. The processes might take up to two weeks.

Benefits packages :

Salary + Transportation

NSSF Coverage

Health Insurance : medical fees for both inpatient and outpatient services at a 100% coverage rate

Paid Leaves: 2 paid leaves per month, 12 Public Holidays, sick leaves as per labor law, Special leave events (Maternity, Paternity, Marriage, etc.)


Remote work: one day of working from home per week if work schedule allows.

Flexibility to arrive to office between 7:30 am and 9:30 am, employee should cover 8:30 working hours per day including 30 minutes lunch break.

Emergency Leave : ACTED staff are allowed, after manager’s approval, to leave during their working hours for 30 minutes to 2 hours in case of emergency and to compensate it within 5 working days.

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عن Mohamad Jamous

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